Arts & Culture Event Series

September 9 – October 28, 2023

Short-film screenings featuring “Wrought” Q&A with Biofilm Directors Joel Penner & Anna Sigrithur

Wrought. Supplied by BioFilm Productions

Doors open at 6:45pm

List of short-film screenings:

Wrought: A short film about decay
*BioFilm Productions, 2022

“In a world obsessed with growth, we deny ourselves the tender possibilities of decay.”

Wrought explores how we construct categories for the world. It examines the categories of spoil, ferment, compost and rot, coaxing audiences to decompose the binary of human and non-human. We are forged from the relationships that transgress such binaries; we are all, indeed, wrought.

Warning: Images of decay, rot, and a short strobe sequence.

*Q&A via Zoom to follow with Joel Penner (Winnipeg) & Anna Sigrithur (Montreal)

Lana Gets Her Talk

Lana Whiskey Jack
(c/o the Casa Film Collection, selected by Darcy Logan)

Cree artist Lana Whiskey Jack works on a sculpture of her deceased Uncle, and survivor of the Residential School system.

O Death

Annie Martin & Janice Isabel Jackson, 2021

O Death is a multidisciplinary project by Annie Martin and Janice Isabel Jackson. Sharing an interest in songs in which the singer addresses death as an interlocutor, we began an ongoing exchange, out of which arose lyrics, song, performance, video and painting.

With gratitude to the Canada Council for the Arts

the hyphen

Karen Campbell, 2022

“For most of twelve months I coughed

Each day started with forty-five minutes of sharp hacking
against ribs
throat dry

Coughing ceased after second chemo treatment
six weeks after diagnosis
two weeks before qualifying for a Stem Cell Transplant

I was admitted, December 30, 2015 for a twenty-one day stay (Part I)
I was admitted, February 16, 2016 for a twenty-one day stay, my rebirth (Part II)

I arrived with three pairs of underwear
and two bags brimming with art supplies…”

Events Are Free!*

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About the Series

Waking Death: Arts & Culture Event Series is a program of events that focus on death and related themes, bringing together audiences, artists, and guest speakers. The arts have an important role to play in supporting people’s communion with death and this series offers to create a space in which participating artists can share work with the Lethbridge community that reflects on our shared mortality, the nature of impermanence and grief, and the things that haunt us.